
  • Charlier ValdsleiI Nonato da Costa UFCG - CCTA - PPGSA - Pombal - PB
  • Aline Carla de Medeiros
  • Karla Elita Viegas Pereira
  • José Cândido da Silva Nóbrega
  • Fernanda Fernandes Barbosa
  • Fernanda Fernandes Barbosa
  • Aldeone Pereira Silva
  • Cartaxo Braga Morais de Oliveira
  • Patricio Borges Maracaja



In the face of the relevance given in modern times to human health when the subject is the pesticides use, this article has the objective to provide to the familiar agriculturist
the process of vegetables certification in the view of the administrative manager. The
choice for the product in study (vegetables) was made by the fact that is one of the most practiced activities by the family farming. To achieve the objective, this article used bibliographic searches in scientific articles and websites that make official data available through censuses such as the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). From the collected data it was possible to notice and quantified the number of establishments that uses pesticides in all of the Paraíba State and, specifically, in the Pombal-PB city. Moreover, this study described the importance of the administrative manager in all certification process. Concluded that the presence of an administrator in charge of the certification of the agricultural products in companies in formation period, also, in agricultural areas or in any other sector that has objective to obtain certificates (stamps), can shorten the path and provide success of the process.


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