Toxicity of the macerated of white and purple jurubeba flowers about bees Apismelliferas in sertao paraibano - Brazil




There are secondary components of the nectar or the pollen in some vegetal species, to can be toxics or repellentsfor their pollinators. Thus, this work had for objective to study the effects from toxicity of differents concentrationsof macerated flowers of purpleJurubebaandwhite Jurubeba, as feeding of Africanized bees in a controlled environment.Therefore, wererealizedbioassays at the Laboratory of Entomology of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campus ofPombal.It was used dried and crushed flowers of the Chamber and leaddy. The powder of the flowers was weighed in three different fractions (0,25%, 0,50% e 1,0%) and added to the candyandwater. The newly emerged workers were distributed togetherof 20 insects for wood boxmeasuring 11cm in length by 11cm in width and 7cm in height, in three replicates and control, making up 12 boxes and 240 worker bees, were packaged in B. O. D with temperature adjusted to 32º C andhumidity of 70 %. The control group received only candy and water. In view of the results obtained with the research, observed that the bees of the control remained alive until the 25 days reaching a statistical average of 20 days and for those treated with 0,25%, 0,50% e 1,0% respectively, presented mortality in the 20th, 18th e 13th day for bees fed with Solanum paniculatum L.For bees fed Solanum albidum Dun, observed that the bees of the control  remain alive up to the 21 days reaching a statistical average of 18 days and for those treated with 0,25%, 0,50% and 1,0% respectively, presented mortality in the 17th, 13th e 12th day.The data analysis showed statistically significant differences between treatments and control, suggesting the toxic effect of the macerate obtained from Solanum paniculatum LandSolanum albidum Dunfor Africanized bees workersApismellifera. Thus, can be concluded with the accomplishment of this work that:The bees control remained alive until the 25thand 21th dayrespectively, by treatments with Solanum paniculatum L.andSolanum albidum Dun; The treated beeswith the concentrations 0,25%, 0,50% and 1,0% of macerated flowers Solanum paniculatum L, respectively, presented mortality to the 20th, 18thand 13thday; The treated bees with the concentrations 0,25%, 0,50% and 1,0% of macerated flowers Solanum albidum Dun, respectively, presented mortality to the 17th, 13thand 12th day; Flowers of Solanum paniculatum L. andSolanum albidum Dunpresented toxicity to Apismelíferaunder controlled ambient conditions


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