Aphis craccivora control by Ocimum gratissimum oil


  • Maria do Carmo de Amorim
  • Ubiracy Mendes de Sousa
  • Paulo Alves Wanderley
  • Jussara Silva Dantas
  • Roberta de Oliveira Sousa Wanderley
  • Marina Cartaxo Braga Morais de Oliveira




The pests control in agriculture are increasingly complex, the irrational use of products can cause environment pollution and the production cost increase. The aphids are insects and when they eat plant they can cause direct damages, that´s because sap sucking, and direct damages, by sick transmission by toxin injections. The essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants whit insecticidal, fungicidal and bactericidal properties lead to promising ways and as result a “clean†agriculture, free of pesticides. For the purpose to contribute with the knowledge generation about the action of the essential oils in the pest insects was the objective of this work, study the essential alfacava (Ocimum grtisssimum) oil efficiency in the control of black aphid (Aphis craccivora). The experimente was performed in the Entomologia e Apicultura Lab in the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba, campus Sousa. The design was completely randomized and consisted in four treatments: T0 water + 0,5% of neutral detergent (control); T1 0,5% of essential oil + 0,5% of neutral detergent “diluted with waterâ€; T2 1% of essential oil + 0,5% of neutral detergent; T3 2% of essential oil + 0,5% of neutral detergent. Ten repetitions were done for each treatment every repetitions had ten insects. The first insect mortality analysis was made twenty-four hours after the alfacava essential oil application and the second one with forty-eight hours. All the treatments presented significant insect mortality rates by Tukey test. At a concentration of 0,5% of alfacava oil essential it was noted be enough to cause an average aphids mortality of 90%, making it preferable to use since there was not significant changes by the F teste of ANAVA between this one and the higher concentration, therewith reducing product application costs with high efficiency.


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